Forklift Damage Reduction Curbs the Hazards of Pallet Debris
The Pallet Dawg Safeguards Operations
Companies utilizing Pallet Dawgs on their forklifts protect their assets by extending the usable life of their pallets and dock equipment and achieving forklift damage reduction. Forklift operators appreciate the utility of the Pallet Dawg and, once applied do not want to work without one.
The more time operators spend on lifts and off the floor, the faster and safer product handling occurs. Fewer interruptions also reduces overall stress and enhances operator focus and awareness while on the forklift. We realize pallets and equipment are assets that require significant resources. Companies utilizing forklift carriage bumpers on their forklifts protect these assets by extending the usable life of their pallets and dock equipment.

Fewer and faster trailer washouts save time and money.

Safety and productivity are compromised when pallet debris is present on the floors of docks and trailers.

Flat spots on load wheels from pallet debris will increase costs for repair and maintenance.